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Posts Tagged ‘Slant Style’

Landscape Edging- Concrete The Only Way to Go

I was looking at this photo before posting and was wondering what I could say about it. You know after a while it sometimes seems difficult to be descriptive about something that you (me) do every day. The curbing does its job so well it seems like it naturally belongs there. So it was difficult for me…

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Is That Really Concrete? Yes It Is!

Yes, Yes, Yes. This is stamped concrete blog after all. We do a lot of this so let me explain a little. We arrive at the site with a trailer loaded with sand and cement. We also have a mixer on the trailer. We add the sand and cement along with the color and wheelbarrow it up…

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Slant Style Curb on Hill Side

This hill side job was around 200 feet of slant style curbing with tan or beige color. We scored the joints every 42 inches and used a tool to smooth them off. I knew this was going to be a tough job, but turned out much tougher than anticipated. We had more to pour up…

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Angle Mold, Stamped as Brick

The angle or slant style curb is very versatile for us. It allows up the most options for our different finishes. This is the curb we make to look like brick. It also allows us to use a roller texture. The slant style by itself  stands out on its own. We can change the colors…

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Slant Style Curb with Brick Stamp Finish

The curbing you see here is the slant style curb with the brick stamp finish. We also used a Belgian texture roller with charcoal release. Upon finishing we apply one coat of solvent based acrylic sealer. Please take notice: we install around existing landscaping without any disruption of the existing plantings. One thing I am…

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